In the press

financial times magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
wired magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
european supermarket magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
techcrunch publishing about inventory otpimization software
01net magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
network world magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
business insider magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
smart company magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
software development times publishing about inventory otpimization software
les echos magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
la tribune magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software
le monde informatique magazine publishing about inventory otpimization software

Wired Magazine

"Lokad blends the cloud with algorithms to spot patterns in business data; send off a mess of historical stats and receive back a neat set of forecasts about demand, sales or workload. And its pay-as-you-go – cheaper than performing analysis in-house". Read the article

Financial Times

"Here’s a cloud-based application that, for once, seems to offer real advantages over its premises-based counterpart. While big retail chains have used specialist forecasting software for decades, the programs have typically had hefty licence fees and required retailers to dedicate time and staff to designing and refining complex forecasting models". Read the article

"Lokad harnesses the vast processing power available via cloud computing and points it at the vexing question of big data". "Companies long have been frustrated by the burden of statistical analysis and the accuracy of the predictions they could make, and Lokad seeks the desired hard information". Read the article.


Lokad makes statistical forecasting accessible to SMBs. "Lokad has democratized time series forecasting for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small coffee shop or a division of a large enterprise, forecasting point-of-sales, scheduling staff, call center management, eCommerce, enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), all became easier because of Lokad's forecast-on-demand service". Read the article

Les Echos

When Big Data rhythms with Big Business. "More than 400 people will attend today and tomorrow the first symposium dedicated to "Big Data". This was not unexpected, because, while Big Data remains little known, under the hood, there are techniques and use cases that can rhythms with Big Business. ... A myriad of startups have emerged, also in France, such as Hurence, Ysance, Squid Solutions Tinyclues or Lokad." Read the article (in French).


"Sales forecasting: the elephant in the room? Retail inventory optimisation expert Matthias Steinberg argues that forecasting technology has to date failed to adequately deal with slow-moving products even though they constitutes a large part of a retailer’s portfolio". Read the article.

Business Insider

Microsoft's Top Dog In Silicon Valley Talks About Startups, Bubbles, And Pet Food. "Some of our high-profile or early adopters include this company out of France called Lokad doing some really interesting high-end math calculations in our cloud in support of supply-chain optimization for the likes of Carrefour and Wal-Mart, things like that". Read the article.

Speak Magazine

Discovering The Cloud. "Specialized in delivering sales,demand and call volume forecasts to retailers of all sizes, the company wanted to develop a set of more powerful inventory level forecasting models that could be accessed in near real time at the warehouse and point of sale, and turned to Windows Azure to deliver the significant processing power required". Read the article.

A New Dimension. "Jacqui Griffiths finds out how Microsoft and its partners are helping to transform the supply chain into a dynamic, demand-driven model that can increase efficiency and save on costs." Read the article.

Improving Employee Productivity. "The retail industry has evolved from being product led to consumer driven. Changes in customer behavior are challenging store employees to deliver a more personalised and informed service. Karen McCandless examines why only the best is good enough for today’s shoppers." Read the article.

Capitaine Commerce

Lokad, a sales forecasting tool. "After discussing consumer to consumer exchange services, today, we cover some serious stuff with Lokad, a sales forecasting tool for Ecommerce. I won't unveil the case further at this point as I am letting Lokad's founder, Joannes Vermorel, answer a few questions of mine, leveraging my incorruptible and uncompromising investigative journalism powers." Read the article (in French).

European Supermarket Magazine

Lokad - Embracing the Cloud. "Lokad, recently named Windows Azure Platform Partner of Year by Microsoft, was one of the most impressive companies exhibiting at this year’s EuroShop trade fair in Düsseldorf. ESM meets Matthias Steinberg, CEO of this dynamic business". Read the article.

Cloud - The Answer to Out-of-Stock. "Customer loyalty is vital to retailers. It can take a long time to win, but can be lost very easily. If a customer finds the brand they are looking for is out of stock in their favourite store they will shop elsewhere. In fact,few aspects of retailing are as fundamental as maintaining fully stacked shelves and few concerns rank higher with an ever more demanding customer than consistent product availability. Matthias Steinberg, CEO of Lokad reports." Read the article.

The Ferrari Group

A Twist in Cloud Computing - Forecasting Mathematicians On-Demand. "Manufacturers, retailers or service providers with complex forecasting needs may want to check out Lokad. After a briefing with CEO Joannès Vermorel, I came away with an impression that mid-market and even larger firms have an interesting and somewhat cost affordable alternative in generating more timely and accurate forecasting". Read the article.

Le Monde du Cloud

TechDays 2011. The Ecole normale supérieure reviews two years of teaching cloud computing. "Joannès Vermorel, teaching at the Ecole normale supérieure, took the opportunity of the Microsoft TechDays to share his vision about computer science education with a focus on cloud computing and distributed applications." Read the article (in French).

Channel News

Lokad receives the Best Partner Windows Azure Award for 2010. "The provider of online professional forecasts for retail and call centers Lokad has just received the award of the Best Windows Azure Partner after only 6 months of production." Read the article (in French).